
Directed by : Barry W. Blaustein
Duration: 94 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Country : United States (2005)


Desperate for cash to help a friend in need and pay off his smarmy uncle's gambling debts, Steve Barker sinks to an all time low...he attempts to fix the Special Olympics by pretending to be a person with intellectual disabilities. But he is completely out-classed by his fellow Olympians, who are not only superior athletes, they're also wiser in the ways of the world. Several of his fellow competitors immediately spot Steve as a fraud, but because they too would like to see the fall of Jimmy, the snooty reigning champion, they join forces to help The Ringer win. Together they train Steve to become a better athlete and, most importantly, a better man.

Potentially harmful up to 12 years Violence Anguish Coarse language
Alcohol and / or drug abuse
Coarse language





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