
Original title : Cobain
Directed by : Nanouk Leopold
Release date: 2 May 2018
Duration: 94 minutes
Genre: Drama
Country : Netherlands, Belgium (2018)


Cobain runs away from his new foster family because he worries about his mother Mia, who is heavily pregnant and leads a wandering existence. Cobain and Mia start fighting when he demands her to seek help for herself and the baby. Cobain finds after the big discussion shelter with Wickmayer, Mia's ex. When Mia regains contact with Cobain, Wickmayer sends her away. But Mia keeps pulling Cobain and he sees that she is getting worse. Cobain realizes that something has to be done. He brings Mia to a deserted place where he tries her to detox. Although Mia first resists, she slowly recovers. But when Cobain and Mia finally grow together, fate strikes.


Cobain .




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