
Directed by : Robert Rodriguez
Release date: 13 February 2019
Duration: 122 minutes
Country : United States, Argentina, Argentina (2018)
Original language: English


Alita is a creation from an age of despair. Found by the mysterious Dr. Ido while trolling for cyborg parts, Alita becomes a lethal, dangerous being. She cannot remember who she is, or where she came from. But to Dr. Ido, the truth is all too clear. She is the one being who can break the cycle of death and destruction left behind from Tiphares. But to accomplish her true purpose, she must fight and kill. And that is where Alita's true significance comes to bear. She is an angel from heaven. She is an angel of death.

Potentially harmful up to 12 years Violence Coarse language
Alcohol and / or drug abuse
Coarse language


Alita: Battle Angel .




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